DAVIDE SONTEN, P.Iva 11749960016, as the controller, informs you under art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 N. 196 (later, PrivacyCode) and Article 13 and 14 EU Regulation 2016/679 (later, "GDPR") that your data will be treated with the following modalities and purposes:

1. Subject of the treatment The Holder treats personal, identifying and non-sensitive data (in particular, first name, last name, tax code, p. VAT, email, telephone number – later, "personal data" or even "data") when registering to the Owner's website and/or at the time of registration to the newsletter service offered by the Holder.

2. Purpose of processing Your personal data, freely communicated and acquired by us as a result of the activity carried out by Davide Sonten, will be treated lawfully and correctly for the following purposes:

Promotional activities (with your written consent)

Information by telematics:

The data processed (which may be of both a common and identification nature) are up-to-date, relevant, complete and not exceeding the purposes listed above for which they are collected and subsequently processed. It is recalled in this regard that by sensitive data it is understood: "any personal data suitable to reveal racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership in parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or union nature, as well as personal data suitable to reveal the state of health and sex life". Judicial data refers to: "personal data suitable to reveal measures referred to in art. 3 paragraph 1 letters from a) to o) and r) to u), DPR 313/2002, in relation to judicial records, records of administrative penalties dependent on crime and related pending charges, or the quality of defendant or investigation under Articles. 60 and 61 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Other purposes are related to ordinary administrative, commercial and marketing activities.

Your personal data is processed:

without your consent (art. 24 lett. a, b, c Privacy Code and article 6 read.b, and GDPR), for the following Purposes of Service: – ordinary administrative, commercial and accounting activities; – manage and maintain the website; – comply with the obligations under the law, a regulation, COMMUNITY law or an order of the Authority; – prevent or detect fraudulent activity or harmful abuses for the website; – to exercise the rights of the Holder, for example, to exercise the rights of the Holder. .

Only with your specific and separate consent (Article 23 and 130 Privacy Code and Article 7 GDPR), for the following Marketing Purposes: – send you newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material about products or services offered by the Holder. We would like to point out that if you are already our customer, we will be able to send you commercial notices related to the Services and Products of the Owner similar to those you have already used, unless you disagree (art. 130 c. 4 Privacy Code). 3. How your personal data is processed is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 Privacy Code and art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and precisely: collection, registration, organization, retention, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, deletion and destruction of data. Your personal data is processed both paper and electronic and/or automated. Retention time: The Owner will treat personal data for the time it takes to fulfill the above purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship for Service Purposes and no more than 2 years from the collection of data for Marketing Purposes.

Legal basis for treatment:

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is based on the need to fulfil existing business relationships and to comply with the tax law currently in place. Legitimate interests pursued by the Controller of The Treatment: The legitimate interests pursued by the Controller of the processing of data are given by having to comply with and honor the contractual obligations signed between the parties. Under art. 6 The legality of the treatment is based on the consent manifestly expressed by the person concerned, documented in written form

4. Data access Your data may be made accessible for the purposes of art. 2.A) and 2.B): – to employees and employees of the Owner or Davide Sonten of which the Holder is a member, in their capacity as in-charge and/or internal managers of the treatment and/or system administrators; – to companies or third parties (e.g. website management and maintenance providers, suppliers, lenders, professional firms,etc.) who are outsourced on behalf of the Holder, in their capacity as external managers of the treatment.

5. Communication of data Without your express consent (ex article 24 lett.a), b), d) Privacy Code and art. 6 .b) and c) GDPR), the Holder will be able to communicate your data for the purposes of art. 2.A) to supervisory bodies, judicial authorities and all others to whom communication is required by law for the fulfillment of the purposes of the purposes of the data said your data will not be disclosed. Your personal data will be processed by the Controller of The Treatment, the Treatment Managers appointed by him and the strictly authorized processors. Your data may also be communicated to professional companies/studies that provide assistance, advice or cooperation to the holder of the treatment, in accounting, administrative, tax, legal, tax and financial functions, to public administrations for the performance of institutional functions within the limits set by law or regulations and to third-party service providers to whom communication is necessary for the fulfillment of the services covered by the contract. Your personal data is not being disclosed.

6. Data Transfer The controller of the treatment will not transfer your personal data to a third country other than the one indicated in this policy. The management and retention of personal data will take place on servers located within the European Union of the Owner and/or third-party companies appointed and duly appointed as Managers of Processing. The data will not be transferred outside the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Owner, if necessary, will have the right to move the location of the servers to Italy and/or the European Union and/or non-EU countries. In this case, the Holder now ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in accordance with applicable legal provisions by entering into, if necessary, agreements that guarantee an appropriate level of protection and/or adopting the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission. The server is currently located in the UK.

7. The nature of the data delivery and the consequences of the refusal to respond The provision of the data for the purposes of art. 2.A) is mandatory. In their absence, we will not be able to guarantee you either registration to the site or the Services of Art. 2.A). The provision of data for the purposes of art. 2.B) is optional. You can then decide not to give any data or to deny the possibility of dealing with data already provided: in this case, you will not be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material related to the Services offered by the Owner. In any case, you will continue to be entitled to the Services referred to in art. 2.A).

8. Rights of the person concerned In your capacity as an interested, you have the rights referred to in art. 7 Privacy code and art. 15 GDPR and precisely the rights of: i. obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data that concerns you, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form; (ii. obtain an indication: (a) of the source of personal data; (b) of the purpose and manner of treatment; (c) of the logic applied when treated with electronic instruments; (d) of the identification details of the holder, those responsible and the designated representative under art. 5, paragraph 2 Privacy Code and art. 3, paragraph 1, GDPR; (e) of persons or categories of persons to whom personal data may be disclosed or who may become aware of it as a designated representative in the territory of the State, of those responsible or in charge; iii. get: a) the update, the adjustment or, when you are interested in, the integration of the data; b) the deletion, anonymous transformation or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those which do not need to be retained in relation to the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; (c) the evidence that the transactions referred to in the letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, including with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been disclosed or disseminated, except where such fulfilment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected law; iv. oppose, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data about you, even if they are relevant to the purpose of the collection; b) the processing of personal data that concerns you for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for the completion of market research or commercial communication, through the use of automated call systems without the intervention of an operator by email and/or by traditional marketing methods by telephone and/or paper mail. It should be noted that the right of the person concerned's right of opposition, which is set out in paragraph b), for direct marketing purposes by means of automated methods extends to the traditional ones, and that the possibility for the person concerned to exercise the right of opposition is still saved even in part. Therefore, the person may decide to receive only communications in traditional ways, that is, only automated communications or neither type of communication. If applicable, you also have the rights in articles. 16-21 GDPR (Right to rectify, right to be forgotten, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right of opposition), as well as the right to complain to the Guarantor Authority. 9. How rights are exercised at any time you can exercise the rights by sending – a recommended a DAVIDE SONTEN, based in the legal office Via Dante Alighieri, 5 -10060 Scalenghe (TO), ITALIA; – an email to info@Davide

10. Minor The services provided by the controller are not intended for children under the age of 18, the Holder does not intentionally collect personal information relating to minors. In the event that information about minors is unintentionally recorded, the Owner will delete it in a timely manner, at the request of the users. 11. Owner, manager and data controller is DAVIDE SONTEN with legal headquarters Via Dante Alighieri, 5 -10060 Scalenghe (TO), ITALIA, in the person of Mr Davide Gamba. Contact details of the Controller of the treatment, e-mail : info@Davide The designated treatment manager for the feedback to the person in case of exercise of the rights, is Mr. Davide Gamba. At any time, you may exercise the rights reserved for you, enshrined in art. 7 of which the full text is reported. The updated list of those responsible and those responsible for the treatment is kept at the location of the treatment holder. 12. Changes to this Notice This Statement may change. It is therefore advisable to check this policy regularly and refer to the most up-to-date version by requesting it to: info@Davide If the user is a consumer, the processing of personal data for commercial or marketing purposes will be based on the acquisition of the quote and specific consent. If you are a professional and do not wish to receive any advertising messages from DAVIDE SONTEN, you can contact us at:
DAVIDE SONTEN via Dante Alighieri, n5 1006o Scalenghe (To) – Italy
phone: 349 930 8472, info@Davide
If you have any questions or requests about this Privacy Statement, our personal data processing or your browsing on this site, you can contact Davide Sonten

Davide Sonten. changes reserves the right to change all or part of this Privacy Statement at any time. Please check the current version from time to time to check for any changes.

The purpose of the Davide Sonten treatment can collect and process personal data of customers and users of the site to put in place their activities and business, to make available information, products and services that may be of interest and for the purpose of statistical surveys of the use of the website. The information provided by you will be used to contact you when necessary, for example to notify them of changes in the functionality of the website or to notify them of service offers (with consent) that may be of interest.
The purpose and manner of the processing of personal data through this website or otherwise will still comply with the legislative decree 30 June 2003, N. 196 (Privacy Code), the full text of which, including the rights the person concerned. 7 – can be recanted on

Davide Sonten sensitive data does not require or collect sensitive personal data through this site (such as information that can reveal racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical, or religious beliefs, sexual habits, or health data). Otherwise, the written or equivalent consent quote will be required of theuserand-x
COOKIES Davide Sonten may collect, process, and analyze information related to the use of this site, including domain names, number of logins, pages visited, previous or subsequent sites visited, and length of duration of connection sessions. This information can be collected through the use of cookies. A cookie is a text file that resides on the user's hard drive, where it was sent through the web page of our server. The user can at any time choose whether to enable or disable cookies by changing the settings of their browser. Usually, using cookies makes using the website faster and easier.

Third-Party websites You are informed that this Privacy Statement does not include privacy policies adopted by third-party websites to which this site may be linked.

Exercise of user rights; How to contact Davide Sonten If you are a consumer, the processing of personal data for commercial or marketing purposes will be based on the acquisition of the quote and specific consent. If you are a professional and do not wish to receive any advertising messages from Davide Sonten, you can contact us at:
DAVIDE SONTEN via Dante Alighieri, n5 10060 Scalenghe (To) – Italy
phone: 349 930 8472, info@Davide
If you have any questions or requests about this Privacy Statement, our personal data processing or your browsing on this site, you can contact DAVIDE SONTEN

Changes: DAVIDE SONTEN reserves the right to change all or part of this Privacy Statement at any time. Please check the current version from time to time to check for any changes.

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